Introducing Fabric Health
Trusted, last-mile engagement
Our Approach
We help busy families where they already are — at the laundromat.
32M Americans show up every week. So do we.
While busy families count down the two hours until they get on with their day, we get to know them.
They have a lot of questions, but not a lot of help. What healthcare offers and what people actually use is a world away.
Healthcare doesn’t have to be so inaccessible. We’re just down the block.
How it works
Reach busy families where they are
Fabric helps health partners understand members’ needs
Engage members digitally and in-person
Repurpose the two hours of downtime at laundromats, every week
Deepen trust and close care gaps
Fabric is the front door to improving members’ health and experience
32 million Americans are waiting at laundromats for TWO hours every week.
What People Are Saying
“Fabric Health is, you might say, working to do its part to wash away health disparities”